22. Juni 2015

Unglaublich I

Bevor ich wieder IC weiter das Tagebuch von Tjara weiterschreibe, gibt es zwei Posts, die mehr OOC sind. Naja, OOC nicht wirklich, den es passierte IC.

Auf dem Jarl Concil wurde viel gesprochen, aber etwas passierte, was wohl einmalig ist in der Geschichte des Deutsch / Ami / English Gor.

Fast alle Jarls beschlossen ein Bündnis. Ein Bündnis was weit über die Sprachbarriere hinaus geht. Ein Bündnis was IC so viele Spieler betrifft. Alle die nicht dabei waren: Bei den Asen, ihr habt echt was verpasst.

Erstmal kommen ein paar Zeilen aus Gor Büchern. Ich habe nicht vor es zu übersetzen, weil dann verliert es einfach seine Bedeutung, darunter dann das RP des Bündnisses, was natürlich IC nicht verwendet werden darf, wer es nicht erlebt hat. Naja, ihr kennt die Regeln.

Ebenso habe ich das RP nicht verändert, verbessert oder schöner geschrieben. Warum? Es war einfach einmalig dabei zu sein und hoffen wir darauf, dass dieser Moment im nächsten Jahr genauso wieder passieren wird.

"Let there be salt between us," he said. "Let there be salt between us," I said.  He placed salt from the small dish on the back of his right wrist. I placed salt on the back of my right wrist. I touched my tongue to the salt in the sweat of his right wrist, and he touched his tongue to the salt on my right wrist. "We have shared salt," he said. He then placed in my hand the golden tarn disk, of Ar, with which I had purchased my instruction. "It is yours," I said. "How can that be?" he asked. "I do not understand," I said. He smiled. "We have shared salt," he said. ((Tribesmen of Gor, Book 10, Page 60))

"Friend," he had said. "Friend," I had said. We had then tasted salt, each from the back of the wrist of the other. ((Marauders of Gor, Book 9, Page 70))

Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods and stands from the table, lifting a nearby bowl of salt, "Then let us make this official in time honored tradition. Let us make alliance and share salt to bind it amongst us all"

Randver nods and lift his old bones out of the chair

Cuinn SRM af Odinnskeld nodded to Uhthred, then would shove back his chair, seeing Baene stand, and stand with him, as always. His oath was, and had been for many years, binding.

ҢâКØΠ lifts his Ass out of the Chair, looks around in the Round of well Jarls

Ivan HalfBlood stands to his feet

Uħтħяeđ Aełšøи knocks on the table and stands up

Crodal HalfBlood nods to his brother

Anon Haven thinks about it for an ihn and stands "to the unity of Torvaldsland, and if they ever repent we are here to talk of their participation"

Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods and looks to each of the Jarl's in turn, naming them, and going to each with the bowl, "Uhthred, son of Aelwulf, Son of Olof. Jarl Stjernheim, Harper, Dorfjarl of Markarth, HalfBlood Chieftain of Hamrar, Nob Jarl of Rifton,, Anon Jarl of Runefell, Randver, chieftain of thorstein, Sato Chieftrain From Niflheimr, Haakon, Jarl of Sagheerah, Blaze Jarl  of Volsung , Cuinn of Jarl Tyrstoftir. I share salt with you, and you with each other. We are now salt brothers, allied against any who would come against one, comes against us all"

Uħтħяeđ Aełšøи takes a pinch of the salt and places it on his wrist, He takes Baene's hand and licks the salt off his wrist to signify the unification.

Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods to Uhthred, in turn licking the salt from the back of his wrist, nodding firmly to him

Blaze af Odinnskeld: Also takes a pinch of salt and places on my wrist and licks it off raising my fist in the air high.

Cuinn SRM af Odinnskeld would when it was his turn, do the same in turn, licking the salt off the wrist of Baene, now sharing salt with his brother and High Jarl. When the deed was done, he stood back. Sharing of salt was an important tradition, and a binding act. He only had 2 salt brothers in his entire 80 years.. and now a third.

Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods firmly to Blaze, licking the salt from his wrist and clapping him on the shoulder with a smile

Anon Haven nods and clasp hands with the other men shake them and then taste salt, each from the back of the wrist of the other

Ivan HalfBlood nods and approaches Baene... taking a pinch of salt and places on his wrist... He takes Baene's hand and licks the salt off his wrist to a binding unification...

Randver: licks happy around every wrist in the round, smiles and is glad to dont ask the wifes to solve this problem

Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods with a smile to Anon, licking the the salt from his wrist and clapping him on the shoulder

Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld steps to Ivan, doing the same, nodding firmly to him

Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld looks to Randver, and grins at him, seeing something behind his eyes and laughs, clasping hsi shoulder tightly

Ivan HalfBlood nods firmly in return.... clasping hands in a warrior's handshake before unifying with the others and returning to his brothers

Eiríkr literally is thinking more spit is getting swapped than a wild night in a paga tavern.

Ivan HalfBlood if could read Eirikr's thoughts.. he would agree

Anon Haven chuckles and thinks they could use some tospit and a horn of ale now

ҢâКØΠ: Looks around an does like his Brothers before  too

Harper MacBeth geht vor zu :Baene und macht es wie allen anderen vor ihm und teilt mit ihm das salz stolz nickt er ihm dabei zu

Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods firmly to Harper with a smile, exchanging salt with him and clapping him on the shoulder

Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld he then turns to Sato, nodding firmly to him and offers up the salt to him

Sato : Bosk look to Bane and tast the salt and offers the salt too

Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods with a smile to Sato, exchanging the salt, and then clapping him firmly on the shoulder

Randver: yawns now ..... thank you for this great meeting im glad to help when its needed but im a old man and my bones want to lay down .. he smiles ... im sure we will meet again soon and till than .. he takes a deep breath .... HAIL TOVALDSLAND!

Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld smiles to Quinn, nodding to him and taking the salt form the back of his wrist, then clapping his firmly on the back. He then looks over to Randver, "Indeed we will! Hail Torvaldsland!" he calls in return, raising his fist

Cuinn SRM af Odinnskeld nodded to Baene with a grin and repeated, as well, "Hail Torvaldsland! Hail tha Sons of tha Axe!"

Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods to those departing, "Odin's blessing and Thor's strength upon you all, my brothers!"

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