Ich sage euch, mit einem Translator RP zu machen ist schon eine Kunst für
sich. Naja, so langsam verstehe ich ihn. ich trixe ihn aus um das RP so zu
gestalten, wie ich es möchte und nicht wie es der Translator möchte, aber es
gibt hin und wieder Sätze, die nicht zu meinen Gunsten geändert werden.
Sagen wir so, ich kann froh sein, dass meine Gegenüber dann immer wussten,
dass es der Translator war und nicht ich.
Aber, es ist einen Lacher immer wert.
Mal schauen, ob ihr den Fehler findet!
1. Unglück
xxx: Stretches as he considered them a moment longer "Where can i get a good drink...damn sea water is itching my throat something fierce"
xxx: Erstreckt sich wie er sie für einen Moment: "Wo bekomme ich einen guten Drink ... damn Meerwasser ist Juckreiz Hals etwas heftig"
[13:25:31] Tjara schaut cuinn an "wenn du noch zeit brauchst M'Jarl, bring ich den Krieger in die Hall" schaut sie fragend, auch wenn sie gerade zum Tempel wollte. Sie wollte helfen
[13:25:32] SunjaSweet Resident: / Me looks at Cuinn "if you need more time M'Jarl, I'll kill the warrior in the Hall" She looks questioningly, even if they just wanted the temple. She wanted to help
[13:25:52] Tjara: (( omg .. i bring the warrior ))
2. Unglück
[11:28:44] Tjara af Odinnskeld lächelt zu ihm und nickt "die runen haben immer recht. wenn man ihnen folgt, wird es so passieren. du musst nur dran glauben und den runen vertrauen" sie öffnet ihre hände wieder und auch seine hand. ganz vorsichtig und vielleicht sogar zärtlich. sie nimmt die rune heraus und legt die drei runen wieder in den beutel. sie schliesst den beutel "wenn du möchtest, bringe ich dir ab nächste woche alles bei. jeden tag eine andere rune. erst musst du die runen kennen lernen"
[11:28:44] SunjaSweet Resident smiles at him and nods "the runes are always right. If you follow them, it will happen like that. You just have to believe in and trust the runes" she opens her hands again and his hand. very carefully and perhaps even affectionate. she takes out the rune and sets the three runes into the bag again. She closes the bag "if you want, I'll kill you next week at all. every day a different rune. First you have the runes know"
Viel Spass beim Lachen
Eure Lili
27. Juni 2015
25. Juni 2015
Fest-Season of Odin 2015
Das nächste Event steht vor der Tür. Naja, vor der Tür wäre übertrieben,
aber da es Zeit braucht, so ein Fest zu organisieren, wird jetzt schon der
Aufruf gestartet.
Hier findet ihr alle wichtigen Informationen über das Event, dieses mal sogar auf Deutsch. Danke nochmal an die fleißige Übersetzerin.
Ich freue mich euch auf dem Fest zu sehen.
Grüße Eure Lili
Hier findet ihr alle wichtigen Informationen über das Event, dieses mal sogar auf Deutsch. Danke nochmal an die fleißige Übersetzerin.
Ich freue mich euch auf dem Fest zu sehen.
Grüße Eure Lili
Eingestellt von
24. Juni 2015
Tjara und das Thing
So, nun ist es soweit: Tjara's Erlebnisse auf dem Thing
Die ersten Ahn auf dem Thing Gelände waren sehr ruhig. Es war
kaum einer da. So nutzt Tjara die Chance, sich umzuschauen und Besucher schon
zu begrüßen. Was ein wunderschöner Ort. Auf ihrer Erkundungstour, traf sie ein
paar Bewohner auf dem Dorf Hrimthur. Sehr ruhige Leute, wie es ihr scheint,
aber einer der Krieger stach heraus. Als Tjara vom Tempel erzählte, war er
direkt dabei, als sie ihm anbot, ihm den Weg dorthin zu zeigen.
Dort angekommen, unterhielten sie sich ein wenig. Ebenso
aber zog sie ihm eine Rune. Sie konnte ihn direkt leiden, denn er war den
Göttern so nahe, wie sie es war.
Eigentlich sollte ihr dieser Moment komisch vorkommen, aber
noch war es nicht so weit, dass sie sich so viele Gedanken darüber machte, das
Björn noch nicht da war.
Es war so aufregend alles, vor allem, als sie Bemerkte, dass
Blitz, ein Freund der ebenso wie sie an die Götter glaubte und Runenpriester
werden wollte. Ein weiterer Lehrling im Tempel.
Die Zeremonie war so voller Emotionen und wie bei jeder, leuchtete
sie von innen heraus. Sie konnte die Anwesenheit der Götter spüren in ihrem
Herzen und ihrer Seele.
Am nächsten Tag war sie nun dran. Sie durfte die
Eröffnungszeremonie für die Dörfer machen, die später anreisten.
Was ein Erlebnis. So nervös sie vorher gewesen ist, und sie
war nervös, ein Larl in einem Käfig war gar nichts gegen sie. Aber als sie dann
auf dem Platz stand und die Zeremonie seinen Lauf nahm, merkte sie, wie sie
immer ruhiger wurde. Eins mit sich und den Göttern.
Danach lief so viele wie im Schnelllauf durch. Viele schöne
Sachen passierten. So haben Kar und Tjara den betrunken Uhthred mit einem Eimer
Wasser aufgeweckt, aber auch nicht so schöne Sachen, wie ein betrunkener
Krieger vor dem Tempel. Das sind aber alles Sachen, mit denen Tjara umgehen
konnte. War es alles nicht das erste Mal.
Das einzige, was sie wirklich schmerzte, war das Björn auf
dem Thing nicht zu sehen war. Weder sie noch irgendwer hatte ihn gesehen. Er
hatte ihr versprochen dort zu sein. Er brach es.
So fasste Tjara einen Entschluss und ging, als alle wieder
zu Hause in ironhall waren, zu Cuinn. Sie sagte ihm, dass sie Björn nicht mehr
zum Gefährten haben wollte und er verstand es.
Was Tjara den Schmerz dann fast ganz vergessen lies, war
Cuinn's Frage an sie. Er und Eydis wollten Tjara adoptieren. Sie sollte zum
Clan gehören. Ein volles Mitglied des Clans werden. Was eine Ehre für sie.
Sie schrieb direkt ihren Eltern und die Antwort war teils
traurig, teils aber auch fröhlich, denn sie hatten nichts dagegen einzuwenden,
da Tjara nun Ironhall zu ihrem Zuhause gemacht hatte. Wie es mit ihren Kindern
aussah, na dass wollte sie noch nicht entscheiden. Erstmal waren sie gut
aufgehoben bei ihren leiblichen Eltern.
Die nächsten Tage werden sicher mehr als spannend werden.
Eingestellt von
23. Juni 2015
Unglaublich II
Das Closing ist auch noch so ein wunderschönes RP gewesen, was viele leider
verpasst haben. Es waren nicht viele Spieler da, aber es war ein toller Moment
der unter die Haut ging. Hier hab ich das Event nochmal für euch. Wie immer
gilt, nur anschauen, nicht nutzen.
Warum ich immer wieder das erwähne in letzter Zeit? Naja, oft genug hört man, dass OOC Infos genutzt werden IC. Dieser Blog ist wirklich rein OOC und sollte jemand mal mitbekommen, dass die Zeremonien oder Informationen die hier gebloggt werden, IC genutzt werden, so möchte er mich doch bitte anschreiben.
LG eure Lili
Eiríkr entered into the center, "Hagl, to you Jarls of Torvaldsland. I, Eiríkr of Ironhall, Commander of Jarl Bæne's forces, and Apprenticed Rune Priest, have the honor of rendering before you our Closing Sumbel. Where our words and voices will sing the utterance of praise to the Gods, and to our Ancestors. Giving thanks openly, and respectfully. I will begin with the sanctification of the horn, and give the opening. I will then hand it amongst you, so that we may all share. Please raise your hand, so that I may know who has words to speak."
Eiríkr: "Hail to you Daughters and Sons of the Axe." He'd say then as he'd lift an overtly sized horn he'd brought in with him, it full and almost over flowing, brings it before them, in the center to give them closure, he raised up to shoulder hieght. "Thunder Father! Son of Odin! Son of Fjorgyn! Beloved husband of Sif! Father of Modhi, Magni, and Thrudr! Protector and friend of Midgard’s children, we call you! Honor and bless us with your presence! Hallow and sanctify the contents of this horn! Instill your strength, courage, and tenacity into this ale, so that all who drink from this horn are blessed!"
Eiríkr place the hand free over the Horn, to bring prayer to Þorr's sanctificiation. He then turned about, looking to whom might raise their hand first, "Who would like to speak for, give hail to the Gods and to their acts in this Thing." He said, looking about, the firelight shown off upon his eyes, and face, "Who would like to take grasp of the Horn, and add their words?"
Wyn raises hand
Eiríkr turning about, he'd seen the Crone, raise hand. He stepped, holding the horn with two hands, he leaned towards, and gave her horn to sumbel.
Wyn: "Please pardon me as I am both a little IC and a little OOC. I am utterly overwhelmed by not only the attendance, we reached almost 60,000 traffic for yesterday, the amazing support to RFL, we raised almost 100K, and more then that the amazing unity of culture and community. When they say to me, “The North is Divided”, I will say, “Then it is you who are divided from us, for we are one!”. In my six years in Gor I have never seen such a peaceful, joyous and civil gathering of hundreds of people. In my many more years in other communities, this still tops it. I could not be prouder of you all then I am right now. Thank you for everything, I am simply moved to tears. Hail Torvaldsland! *hands the horn back to Eirikr*
Eiríkr took the Horn from her, "Hagl Þorvaldlanðid!" He called out as well, He would walk around, with a joyous smile and gentle expression, offer any to take the next turn.
Eolhsand Frey "Calls out, "Hail Torvaldsland!" then raises hand
Eiríkr turned to Eol, and held the horn to her with twice hands, and bent towards her, "Speak your hails." He offered
Eolhsand Frey tears come to her eyes, as she remembers the many people she knew, both real life and SL, both Gor and non-Gor, who had succumbed to cancer over the years, most recent of whom for her was Soliel Snook, she raises the horn, "Hail the departed, you are not forgotten, may Odin watch over you" she drinks, "You will be remembered" then hands back the horn
Eiríkr then having almost burnt his ass, he felt the warmth, certainly the heat of Torvaldsland, He'd nodded to her gentle of expression and he moved after taking the horn back, went to Ha, and held the horn to him, bent slightly towards him.
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods firmly to Eols words, "Hail the departed!"
Wyn: "Hail the Ancestors!"
Ha Stuer took the horn bellowed out to the fours winds " You that put this fair together hae honored the Torvald with it and hae me heart felt gratitude to that end and " he scanned around to the good people of whom their where many "The folk kin alike that made it what it was a success as I wid hae Odins blessing on ye awe and hope we hae health and goodwill fer another that we awe gather again at " he took the horn raising it to all and a cheering smile nodding to the kin gather " Never divided ........ AWE HAIL THE NORTH AND FER WHEN WE MEET OOR KIN AGAIN
Wyn: "Hail the North! Hail our Kin!"
Sava Renfold: "Hail to the North!"
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods with a wide smile to Ha's words, "Hail the North and all the Folk!"
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld raises his own hand
Eolhsand Frey "Hail the North!"
Eydis Ylva SRM af Odinnskeld shouts, "Hail Torvaldsland!" before she'd raise her hand and wait her turn.
Eiríkr nodded with Ha in agreement, "Hagl Norður!" He shouted with agreement, then took the horn and moved to Bæne, he held it to him, twice handed and leaned to him.
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods to Eirikr, taking the horn and holds it up shoulder height, "We have seen and experienced much these past days, and I say that it has been good", he then looks up to the sky, "Odin! Al-father! You as well have seen what has transpired here in your lofty throne! You have seen the joy and fervor of your people! You have seen men come together as one with common cause! You have seen your people work together for the enjoyment and betterment of all! I ask your blessings on all that has transpired here! Hail Odin!", he then brings the horn to his lips and drinks deeply before nodding back to Eirikr and handing the horn back to him
Wyn: "Hail Odin!"
Eolhsand Frey "Hail ODIN!"
Eydis Ylva SRM af Odinnskeld shouts: "Hail Odin!"
Eiríkr took the horn, and nodding in the agreement, he stepped then to Eydis, held the horn large and half full now towards her, bent slightly towards. "Hagl Óðinn." He said
Eydis Ylva SRM af Odinnskeld stepped forward, taking horn into hands before she'd speak. The usually soft spoken Eydis would make sure to have her voice carry as far across the land as possible as she spoke. "When a young child, my father spoke of such Things. Never in all my nineteen years have I seen one. Until now. It brings forth a warmth in my heart, and a joy in my being to see so many kin and kith gather. To celebrate the gods. To celebrate our lives. To enjoy one another's company in peace. I am honored to have shared this moment with so many. I only hope that the gods keep us in their favor, that we all shall see another Thing like this as joyous and as harmonious. Not only do we remember those we have loved and lost, and pray that Valhalla is where they are reunited. But we have created bonds much more stronger than the Northern winds on a cold winter's night. And those of the North, know exactly how wicked those winds can be." she'd chuckle before adding, "HAIL TORVALDSLAND! HAIL OUR GODS! HAIL OUR KIN AND KITH! OUR STRENGTH COMES FROM OUR ANCESTORS AND WITH SUCH STRENGTH WE WILL CONTINUE TO GROW!" She would then drink from the horn, once more offering softly whispered prayers before horn would be returned to Eirikr.
Wyn: "Hail the Gods who look upon us!"
Eiríkr had taken the horn back, in agreement with words, and walked about them, "Anyone else?" He asked, openly offering it still amongst them.
Tjara af Odinnskeld raises her hand restrained
Eiríkr then approached Tjara, held the horn to her twice handed, and bent slightly towards her, offering
Ha Stuer nodded to the words of Baene steel forged in Valhalla and made at pace to his camp to pack then to the serpent " take a care awe
Tjara af Odinnskeld take the horn and then she looks to the others. she deeply takes a breath, before she speaks "I would like to thank Tyr and Forseti that they have protected us and the Thing. I would like to thank all warriors, to all women and slave whom this Thing have made so unique with her faith in the good. The good may always live in her hearts. " She drinks a small gulp and hands back the horn.
Drago Thorvald llooks upon all the Sons and Daughters of the Axe. Tilts his head back gulping down the last of His mead, with it spilling into his thick beard...... " Hail Odin, Hail Thor, Hail the North winds!.... I Say Hail to those that made our drink! I say Hail to those that made our food! I say Hail to those that could not make it. But stayed home to guard what is ours. But I don't say Hail to who ever brought the southerns here to dance. For I say Hail to the North winds for our Bonds are the best dancers!"... He yells loudly
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld: "Hail Tyr the One-Handed!"
Eiríkr nodded to Tjara, grasping horn back, He walked amongst them, offering it still if any one else hand words of Hail to speak.
Catrine SRM af Odinnskeld 's throat closes as fluid emotion washes over her, the inability to speak due to the sheer magnitude of such an event filled her with great humility and appreciation for the many within this land she has come to adore, as each take their turn with the horn she listens attentively... the gravity of what she felt claiming the use of her tongue, her heart near bursting with pride she were part and her eyes filling with tears of remembrance
Eiríkr then took a moment to turn to the fire, he would now pause for his own words.
Eiríkr would be slightly OOC as well as IC. "I have seen these days past the culmination of community, family, friends, Kith and Kin. I have seen what it truly means in the terms that it means to be a Torvaldslander. The Old Ways are a focus upon these tried and true tenants, and they are long standing, and eons old. Man is built upon this, and it has been seen across all of you. This Thing, this assembly, is one to be proud of, and one to look back upon, and look for too. We are the ones who remember the hearth-fires that long have been cold, the kings of the land, who with generous hand gave forth treasures of silver and gold; the heroes most mighty, most eager for fame, who stood on the field when the battle-day came, who fought for their folk and who slew and were slain -- and we are the ones who remember. . . Hagl Óðinn, Hagl Þorr, Hagl Þorvaldlanðid, Hagl Norður!!" He's say, and long healthy drink and then parting lips from the Mighty Horn of the Thing, he poured the contents to the fire.
Wyn: "Hail Odin! Hail Thor! Hail Torvaldsland!"
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld: "Hail the Old Ways! Hail Torvaldsland!"
şĸυℓd Avitus: "Hail Odin! Hail Torvaldsland!"
Eolhsand Frey "Hail Odin! Hail Thor! Haol Torvaldsland! Hail the Old Ways!"
Wyn turns and heads to the temple to close it up until again the people returned to these lands.
Eiríkr nodded, flicking the Horn to let the fire consume the last drop, "This Sumbel is Ended, May you all have full winds in your sails, and safe passage to your Halls, and Lands, Farms and Hands to await you."
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods to Eirikr, "May you all go with Torvaldsland in your hearts and minds"
Warum ich immer wieder das erwähne in letzter Zeit? Naja, oft genug hört man, dass OOC Infos genutzt werden IC. Dieser Blog ist wirklich rein OOC und sollte jemand mal mitbekommen, dass die Zeremonien oder Informationen die hier gebloggt werden, IC genutzt werden, so möchte er mich doch bitte anschreiben.
LG eure Lili
Eiríkr entered into the center, "Hagl, to you Jarls of Torvaldsland. I, Eiríkr of Ironhall, Commander of Jarl Bæne's forces, and Apprenticed Rune Priest, have the honor of rendering before you our Closing Sumbel. Where our words and voices will sing the utterance of praise to the Gods, and to our Ancestors. Giving thanks openly, and respectfully. I will begin with the sanctification of the horn, and give the opening. I will then hand it amongst you, so that we may all share. Please raise your hand, so that I may know who has words to speak."
Eiríkr: "Hail to you Daughters and Sons of the Axe." He'd say then as he'd lift an overtly sized horn he'd brought in with him, it full and almost over flowing, brings it before them, in the center to give them closure, he raised up to shoulder hieght. "Thunder Father! Son of Odin! Son of Fjorgyn! Beloved husband of Sif! Father of Modhi, Magni, and Thrudr! Protector and friend of Midgard’s children, we call you! Honor and bless us with your presence! Hallow and sanctify the contents of this horn! Instill your strength, courage, and tenacity into this ale, so that all who drink from this horn are blessed!"
Eiríkr place the hand free over the Horn, to bring prayer to Þorr's sanctificiation. He then turned about, looking to whom might raise their hand first, "Who would like to speak for, give hail to the Gods and to their acts in this Thing." He said, looking about, the firelight shown off upon his eyes, and face, "Who would like to take grasp of the Horn, and add their words?"
Wyn raises hand
Eiríkr turning about, he'd seen the Crone, raise hand. He stepped, holding the horn with two hands, he leaned towards, and gave her horn to sumbel.
Wyn: "Please pardon me as I am both a little IC and a little OOC. I am utterly overwhelmed by not only the attendance, we reached almost 60,000 traffic for yesterday, the amazing support to RFL, we raised almost 100K, and more then that the amazing unity of culture and community. When they say to me, “The North is Divided”, I will say, “Then it is you who are divided from us, for we are one!”. In my six years in Gor I have never seen such a peaceful, joyous and civil gathering of hundreds of people. In my many more years in other communities, this still tops it. I could not be prouder of you all then I am right now. Thank you for everything, I am simply moved to tears. Hail Torvaldsland! *hands the horn back to Eirikr*
Eiríkr took the Horn from her, "Hagl Þorvaldlanðid!" He called out as well, He would walk around, with a joyous smile and gentle expression, offer any to take the next turn.
Eolhsand Frey "Calls out, "Hail Torvaldsland!" then raises hand
Eiríkr turned to Eol, and held the horn to her with twice hands, and bent towards her, "Speak your hails." He offered
Eolhsand Frey tears come to her eyes, as she remembers the many people she knew, both real life and SL, both Gor and non-Gor, who had succumbed to cancer over the years, most recent of whom for her was Soliel Snook, she raises the horn, "Hail the departed, you are not forgotten, may Odin watch over you" she drinks, "You will be remembered" then hands back the horn
Eiríkr then having almost burnt his ass, he felt the warmth, certainly the heat of Torvaldsland, He'd nodded to her gentle of expression and he moved after taking the horn back, went to Ha, and held the horn to him, bent slightly towards him.
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods firmly to Eols words, "Hail the departed!"
Wyn: "Hail the Ancestors!"
Ha Stuer took the horn bellowed out to the fours winds " You that put this fair together hae honored the Torvald with it and hae me heart felt gratitude to that end and " he scanned around to the good people of whom their where many "The folk kin alike that made it what it was a success as I wid hae Odins blessing on ye awe and hope we hae health and goodwill fer another that we awe gather again at " he took the horn raising it to all and a cheering smile nodding to the kin gather " Never divided ........ AWE HAIL THE NORTH AND FER WHEN WE MEET OOR KIN AGAIN
Wyn: "Hail the North! Hail our Kin!"
Sava Renfold: "Hail to the North!"
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods with a wide smile to Ha's words, "Hail the North and all the Folk!"
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld raises his own hand
Eolhsand Frey "Hail the North!"
Eydis Ylva SRM af Odinnskeld shouts, "Hail Torvaldsland!" before she'd raise her hand and wait her turn.
Eiríkr nodded with Ha in agreement, "Hagl Norður!" He shouted with agreement, then took the horn and moved to Bæne, he held it to him, twice handed and leaned to him.
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods to Eirikr, taking the horn and holds it up shoulder height, "We have seen and experienced much these past days, and I say that it has been good", he then looks up to the sky, "Odin! Al-father! You as well have seen what has transpired here in your lofty throne! You have seen the joy and fervor of your people! You have seen men come together as one with common cause! You have seen your people work together for the enjoyment and betterment of all! I ask your blessings on all that has transpired here! Hail Odin!", he then brings the horn to his lips and drinks deeply before nodding back to Eirikr and handing the horn back to him
Wyn: "Hail Odin!"
Eolhsand Frey "Hail ODIN!"
Eydis Ylva SRM af Odinnskeld shouts: "Hail Odin!"
Eiríkr took the horn, and nodding in the agreement, he stepped then to Eydis, held the horn large and half full now towards her, bent slightly towards. "Hagl Óðinn." He said
Eydis Ylva SRM af Odinnskeld stepped forward, taking horn into hands before she'd speak. The usually soft spoken Eydis would make sure to have her voice carry as far across the land as possible as she spoke. "When a young child, my father spoke of such Things. Never in all my nineteen years have I seen one. Until now. It brings forth a warmth in my heart, and a joy in my being to see so many kin and kith gather. To celebrate the gods. To celebrate our lives. To enjoy one another's company in peace. I am honored to have shared this moment with so many. I only hope that the gods keep us in their favor, that we all shall see another Thing like this as joyous and as harmonious. Not only do we remember those we have loved and lost, and pray that Valhalla is where they are reunited. But we have created bonds much more stronger than the Northern winds on a cold winter's night. And those of the North, know exactly how wicked those winds can be." she'd chuckle before adding, "HAIL TORVALDSLAND! HAIL OUR GODS! HAIL OUR KIN AND KITH! OUR STRENGTH COMES FROM OUR ANCESTORS AND WITH SUCH STRENGTH WE WILL CONTINUE TO GROW!" She would then drink from the horn, once more offering softly whispered prayers before horn would be returned to Eirikr.
Wyn: "Hail the Gods who look upon us!"
Eiríkr had taken the horn back, in agreement with words, and walked about them, "Anyone else?" He asked, openly offering it still amongst them.
Tjara af Odinnskeld raises her hand restrained
Eiríkr then approached Tjara, held the horn to her twice handed, and bent slightly towards her, offering
Ha Stuer nodded to the words of Baene steel forged in Valhalla and made at pace to his camp to pack then to the serpent " take a care awe
Tjara af Odinnskeld take the horn and then she looks to the others. she deeply takes a breath, before she speaks "I would like to thank Tyr and Forseti that they have protected us and the Thing. I would like to thank all warriors, to all women and slave whom this Thing have made so unique with her faith in the good. The good may always live in her hearts. " She drinks a small gulp and hands back the horn.
Drago Thorvald llooks upon all the Sons and Daughters of the Axe. Tilts his head back gulping down the last of His mead, with it spilling into his thick beard...... " Hail Odin, Hail Thor, Hail the North winds!.... I Say Hail to those that made our drink! I say Hail to those that made our food! I say Hail to those that could not make it. But stayed home to guard what is ours. But I don't say Hail to who ever brought the southerns here to dance. For I say Hail to the North winds for our Bonds are the best dancers!"... He yells loudly
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld: "Hail Tyr the One-Handed!"
Eiríkr nodded to Tjara, grasping horn back, He walked amongst them, offering it still if any one else hand words of Hail to speak.
Catrine SRM af Odinnskeld 's throat closes as fluid emotion washes over her, the inability to speak due to the sheer magnitude of such an event filled her with great humility and appreciation for the many within this land she has come to adore, as each take their turn with the horn she listens attentively... the gravity of what she felt claiming the use of her tongue, her heart near bursting with pride she were part and her eyes filling with tears of remembrance
Eiríkr then took a moment to turn to the fire, he would now pause for his own words.
Eiríkr would be slightly OOC as well as IC. "I have seen these days past the culmination of community, family, friends, Kith and Kin. I have seen what it truly means in the terms that it means to be a Torvaldslander. The Old Ways are a focus upon these tried and true tenants, and they are long standing, and eons old. Man is built upon this, and it has been seen across all of you. This Thing, this assembly, is one to be proud of, and one to look back upon, and look for too. We are the ones who remember the hearth-fires that long have been cold, the kings of the land, who with generous hand gave forth treasures of silver and gold; the heroes most mighty, most eager for fame, who stood on the field when the battle-day came, who fought for their folk and who slew and were slain -- and we are the ones who remember. . . Hagl Óðinn, Hagl Þorr, Hagl Þorvaldlanðid, Hagl Norður!!" He's say, and long healthy drink and then parting lips from the Mighty Horn of the Thing, he poured the contents to the fire.
Wyn: "Hail Odin! Hail Thor! Hail Torvaldsland!"
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld: "Hail the Old Ways! Hail Torvaldsland!"
şĸυℓd Avitus: "Hail Odin! Hail Torvaldsland!"
Eolhsand Frey "Hail Odin! Hail Thor! Haol Torvaldsland! Hail the Old Ways!"
Wyn turns and heads to the temple to close it up until again the people returned to these lands.
Eiríkr nodded, flicking the Horn to let the fire consume the last drop, "This Sumbel is Ended, May you all have full winds in your sails, and safe passage to your Halls, and Lands, Farms and Hands to await you."
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods to Eirikr, "May you all go with Torvaldsland in your hearts and minds"
Eingestellt von
22. Juni 2015
Unglaublich I
Bevor ich wieder IC weiter das Tagebuch von Tjara weiterschreibe, gibt es
zwei Posts, die mehr OOC sind. Naja, OOC nicht wirklich, den es passierte IC.
Auf dem Jarl Concil wurde viel gesprochen, aber etwas passierte, was wohl einmalig ist in der Geschichte des Deutsch / Ami / English Gor.
Fast alle Jarls beschlossen ein Bündnis. Ein Bündnis was weit über die Sprachbarriere hinaus geht. Ein Bündnis was IC so viele Spieler betrifft. Alle die nicht dabei waren: Bei den Asen, ihr habt echt was verpasst.
Erstmal kommen ein paar Zeilen aus Gor Büchern. Ich habe nicht vor es zu übersetzen, weil dann verliert es einfach seine Bedeutung, darunter dann das RP des Bündnisses, was natürlich IC nicht verwendet werden darf, wer es nicht erlebt hat. Naja, ihr kennt die Regeln.
Ebenso habe ich das RP nicht verändert, verbessert oder schöner geschrieben. Warum? Es war einfach einmalig dabei zu sein und hoffen wir darauf, dass dieser Moment im nächsten Jahr genauso wieder passieren wird.
"Let there be salt between us," he said. "Let there be salt between us," I said. He placed salt from the small dish on the back of his right wrist. I placed salt on the back of my right wrist. I touched my tongue to the salt in the sweat of his right wrist, and he touched his tongue to the salt on my right wrist. "We have shared salt," he said. He then placed in my hand the golden tarn disk, of Ar, with which I had purchased my instruction. "It is yours," I said. "How can that be?" he asked. "I do not understand," I said. He smiled. "We have shared salt," he said. ((Tribesmen of Gor, Book 10, Page 60))
"Friend," he had said. "Friend," I had said. We had then tasted salt, each from the back of the wrist of the other. ((Marauders of Gor, Book 9, Page 70))
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods and stands from the table, lifting a nearby bowl of salt, "Then let us make this official in time honored tradition. Let us make alliance and share salt to bind it amongst us all"
Randver nods and lift his old bones out of the chair
Cuinn SRM af Odinnskeld nodded to Uhthred, then would shove back his chair, seeing Baene stand, and stand with him, as always. His oath was, and had been for many years, binding.
ҢâКØΠ lifts his Ass out of the Chair, looks around in the Round of well Jarls
Ivan HalfBlood stands to his feet
Uħтħяeđ Aełšøи knocks on the table and stands up
Crodal HalfBlood nods to his brother
Anon Haven thinks about it for an ihn and stands "to the unity of Torvaldsland, and if they ever repent we are here to talk of their participation"
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods and looks to each of the Jarl's in turn, naming them, and going to each with the bowl, "Uhthred, son of Aelwulf, Son of Olof. Jarl Stjernheim, Harper, Dorfjarl of Markarth, HalfBlood Chieftain of Hamrar, Nob Jarl of Rifton,, Anon Jarl of Runefell, Randver, chieftain of thorstein, Sato Chieftrain From Niflheimr, Haakon, Jarl of Sagheerah, Blaze Jarl of Volsung , Cuinn of Jarl Tyrstoftir. I share salt with you, and you with each other. We are now salt brothers, allied against any who would come against one, comes against us all"
Uħтħяeđ Aełšøи takes a pinch of the salt and places it on his wrist, He takes Baene's hand and licks the salt off his wrist to signify the unification.
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods to Uhthred, in turn licking the salt from the back of his wrist, nodding firmly to him
Blaze af Odinnskeld: Also takes a pinch of salt and places on my wrist and licks it off raising my fist in the air high.
Cuinn SRM af Odinnskeld would when it was his turn, do the same in turn, licking the salt off the wrist of Baene, now sharing salt with his brother and High Jarl. When the deed was done, he stood back. Sharing of salt was an important tradition, and a binding act. He only had 2 salt brothers in his entire 80 years.. and now a third.
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods firmly to Blaze, licking the salt from his wrist and clapping him on the shoulder with a smile
Anon Haven nods and clasp hands with the other men shake them and then taste salt, each from the back of the wrist of the other
Ivan HalfBlood nods and approaches Baene... taking a pinch of salt and places on his wrist... He takes Baene's hand and licks the salt off his wrist to a binding unification...
Randver: licks happy around every wrist in the round, smiles and is glad to dont ask the wifes to solve this problem
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods with a smile to Anon, licking the the salt from his wrist and clapping him on the shoulder
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld steps to Ivan, doing the same, nodding firmly to him
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld looks to Randver, and grins at him, seeing something behind his eyes and laughs, clasping hsi shoulder tightly
Ivan HalfBlood nods firmly in return.... clasping hands in a warrior's handshake before unifying with the others and returning to his brothers
Eiríkr literally is thinking more spit is getting swapped than a wild night in a paga tavern.
Ivan HalfBlood if could read Eirikr's thoughts.. he would agree
Anon Haven chuckles and thinks they could use some tospit and a horn of ale now
ҢâКØΠ: Looks around an does like his Brothers before too
Harper MacBeth geht vor zu :Baene und macht es wie allen anderen vor ihm und teilt mit ihm das salz stolz nickt er ihm dabei zu
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods firmly to Harper with a smile, exchanging salt with him and clapping him on the shoulder
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld he then turns to Sato, nodding firmly to him and offers up the salt to him
Sato : Bosk look to Bane and tast the salt and offers the salt too
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods with a smile to Sato, exchanging the salt, and then clapping him firmly on the shoulder
Randver: yawns now ..... thank you for this great meeting im glad to help when its needed but im a old man and my bones want to lay down .. he smiles ... im sure we will meet again soon and till than .. he takes a deep breath .... HAIL TOVALDSLAND!
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld smiles to Quinn, nodding to him and taking the salt form the back of his wrist, then clapping his firmly on the back. He then looks over to Randver, "Indeed we will! Hail Torvaldsland!" he calls in return, raising his fist
Cuinn SRM af Odinnskeld nodded to Baene with a grin and repeated, as well, "Hail Torvaldsland! Hail tha Sons of tha Axe!"
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods to those departing, "Odin's blessing and Thor's strength upon you all, my brothers!"
Auf dem Jarl Concil wurde viel gesprochen, aber etwas passierte, was wohl einmalig ist in der Geschichte des Deutsch / Ami / English Gor.
Fast alle Jarls beschlossen ein Bündnis. Ein Bündnis was weit über die Sprachbarriere hinaus geht. Ein Bündnis was IC so viele Spieler betrifft. Alle die nicht dabei waren: Bei den Asen, ihr habt echt was verpasst.
Erstmal kommen ein paar Zeilen aus Gor Büchern. Ich habe nicht vor es zu übersetzen, weil dann verliert es einfach seine Bedeutung, darunter dann das RP des Bündnisses, was natürlich IC nicht verwendet werden darf, wer es nicht erlebt hat. Naja, ihr kennt die Regeln.
Ebenso habe ich das RP nicht verändert, verbessert oder schöner geschrieben. Warum? Es war einfach einmalig dabei zu sein und hoffen wir darauf, dass dieser Moment im nächsten Jahr genauso wieder passieren wird.
"Let there be salt between us," he said. "Let there be salt between us," I said. He placed salt from the small dish on the back of his right wrist. I placed salt on the back of my right wrist. I touched my tongue to the salt in the sweat of his right wrist, and he touched his tongue to the salt on my right wrist. "We have shared salt," he said. He then placed in my hand the golden tarn disk, of Ar, with which I had purchased my instruction. "It is yours," I said. "How can that be?" he asked. "I do not understand," I said. He smiled. "We have shared salt," he said. ((Tribesmen of Gor, Book 10, Page 60))
"Friend," he had said. "Friend," I had said. We had then tasted salt, each from the back of the wrist of the other. ((Marauders of Gor, Book 9, Page 70))
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods and stands from the table, lifting a nearby bowl of salt, "Then let us make this official in time honored tradition. Let us make alliance and share salt to bind it amongst us all"
Randver nods and lift his old bones out of the chair
Cuinn SRM af Odinnskeld nodded to Uhthred, then would shove back his chair, seeing Baene stand, and stand with him, as always. His oath was, and had been for many years, binding.
ҢâКØΠ lifts his Ass out of the Chair, looks around in the Round of well Jarls
Ivan HalfBlood stands to his feet
Uħтħяeđ Aełšøи knocks on the table and stands up
Crodal HalfBlood nods to his brother
Anon Haven thinks about it for an ihn and stands "to the unity of Torvaldsland, and if they ever repent we are here to talk of their participation"
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods and looks to each of the Jarl's in turn, naming them, and going to each with the bowl, "Uhthred, son of Aelwulf, Son of Olof. Jarl Stjernheim, Harper, Dorfjarl of Markarth, HalfBlood Chieftain of Hamrar, Nob Jarl of Rifton,, Anon Jarl of Runefell, Randver, chieftain of thorstein, Sato Chieftrain From Niflheimr, Haakon, Jarl of Sagheerah, Blaze Jarl of Volsung , Cuinn of Jarl Tyrstoftir. I share salt with you, and you with each other. We are now salt brothers, allied against any who would come against one, comes against us all"
Uħтħяeđ Aełšøи takes a pinch of the salt and places it on his wrist, He takes Baene's hand and licks the salt off his wrist to signify the unification.
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods to Uhthred, in turn licking the salt from the back of his wrist, nodding firmly to him
Blaze af Odinnskeld: Also takes a pinch of salt and places on my wrist and licks it off raising my fist in the air high.
Cuinn SRM af Odinnskeld would when it was his turn, do the same in turn, licking the salt off the wrist of Baene, now sharing salt with his brother and High Jarl. When the deed was done, he stood back. Sharing of salt was an important tradition, and a binding act. He only had 2 salt brothers in his entire 80 years.. and now a third.
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods firmly to Blaze, licking the salt from his wrist and clapping him on the shoulder with a smile
Anon Haven nods and clasp hands with the other men shake them and then taste salt, each from the back of the wrist of the other
Ivan HalfBlood nods and approaches Baene... taking a pinch of salt and places on his wrist... He takes Baene's hand and licks the salt off his wrist to a binding unification...
Randver: licks happy around every wrist in the round, smiles and is glad to dont ask the wifes to solve this problem
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods with a smile to Anon, licking the the salt from his wrist and clapping him on the shoulder
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld steps to Ivan, doing the same, nodding firmly to him
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld looks to Randver, and grins at him, seeing something behind his eyes and laughs, clasping hsi shoulder tightly
Ivan HalfBlood nods firmly in return.... clasping hands in a warrior's handshake before unifying with the others and returning to his brothers
Eiríkr literally is thinking more spit is getting swapped than a wild night in a paga tavern.
Ivan HalfBlood if could read Eirikr's thoughts.. he would agree
Anon Haven chuckles and thinks they could use some tospit and a horn of ale now
ҢâКØΠ: Looks around an does like his Brothers before too
Harper MacBeth geht vor zu :Baene und macht es wie allen anderen vor ihm und teilt mit ihm das salz stolz nickt er ihm dabei zu
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods firmly to Harper with a smile, exchanging salt with him and clapping him on the shoulder
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld he then turns to Sato, nodding firmly to him and offers up the salt to him
Sato : Bosk look to Bane and tast the salt and offers the salt too
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods with a smile to Sato, exchanging the salt, and then clapping him firmly on the shoulder
Randver: yawns now ..... thank you for this great meeting im glad to help when its needed but im a old man and my bones want to lay down .. he smiles ... im sure we will meet again soon and till than .. he takes a deep breath .... HAIL TOVALDSLAND!
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld smiles to Quinn, nodding to him and taking the salt form the back of his wrist, then clapping his firmly on the back. He then looks over to Randver, "Indeed we will! Hail Torvaldsland!" he calls in return, raising his fist
Cuinn SRM af Odinnskeld nodded to Baene with a grin and repeated, as well, "Hail Torvaldsland! Hail tha Sons of tha Axe!"
Baene Thorrstad af Odinnskeld nods to those departing, "Odin's blessing and Thor's strength upon you all, my brothers!"
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