21. Januar 2016

Lady of Twilight

Lady of Twilight

Skin: Essences LouAnn
Shape: NOYA Avril
Mouth: Loud Mouth Fiona
Hand: Slink Casual
Body: Maitreya Lara
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Kasimire - Gacha - -> The Epiphany

Outfit: {Acios} Lady of Twilight [Gown, Mask, Fur, Slink High Heels] - w/Hud - 
- NEW NEW NEW - -> A Hidden Sanctuary opens 23 Jan.


::Axix:: LadyCrow

My Sponsors:

{Acios} Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/de-DE/stores/102861 Homepage: http://posh-tale.tumblr.com/ Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/groups/poshtale/ Inworld: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Superior/228/237/770

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